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New call for COAC Grants for Local and International Cooperation

Projecte de l'Escola de Thionck Essyl, Senegal. L'organització Foundawtion va rebre un dels Ajuts COAC de 2017
The Architect’s Association of Catalonia opens, for the seventh year running, its Call for Grants for local and international development cooperation projects related to architecture and urban planning. These grants respond to the commitment of the Association to allocating part of its budget to social pursuits.

Those eligible to apply for grants within the scope of this call include associations, NGOs, foundations and other non-profit bodies working in the field of international and/or local development which have architects among their collaborators, whether salaried, volunteers or with a professional service contract.

This call covers two main areas for grants: International Development Cooperation and Local Development Cooperation. Within each of these two areas, there are five types of grant:

a) Building or renovation of housing
b) Building or renovation of community facilities
c) Building or renovation of infrastructures
d) Building or renovation of public spaces
e) Urban planning

The total amount that will be awarded in this call is 39,000 euros.

All applicants, who must be members of the COAC, should fill out the application form and submit it, along with the required documentation, to any COAC branch before April 27th, 2018 at 1 pm.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: cooperacio@coac.net.

Download the rules here.