Sistema de reg a les hortes termals - 9a Biennal 2016

Elena Albareda Fernández, Jordi Calbetó Aldomà, Marta Serra Permanyer

The Hortes de Baix historical gardens were irrigated by using the excess thermal water from this roman foundation village together with rainwater from the torrent discharging into the main crossing irrigation channel. But throughout the last decades this balance has been threaten by the thermal spas private management and due to the sewage spilled into the ancient torrent.
Consequently the community-based project comes out from the City Council Public Space Board to recover this agrarian space at an ecological and social level, to transform it into a new public and self-managed space promoting organic and local food production.
A participatory diagnosis is co-designed with the gardeners. As a result, the project comes with the following interventions:
- Water resource use from the thermal spas and lavatories to irrigate gardens with clean water.
- Scoring the sewage from the main channel (former torrent).
- Supplying of the thermal water by creating a large water reservoir to be spread out the inundation turns two days per week.
- Improving the accessibility along the main channel by creating a walkway that connects to the gardens path.
Moreover a phytotreatment pilot system is introduced to enhance hot water quality at the accumulation pool, thanks to the organic and residual matter assimilation. The ending of the process reaches the constitution of a gardeners legal organization, setting-up to manage the everyday life of this heritage performed by thermal water.


CÍCLICA [space, community & ecology]
CAVAA Arquitectes
CÍCLICA [space, community & ecology]


Adrià Goula Sardà: fotògraf arquitectura

Jose Tostoneone: fotògraf procés comunitari

Aleix Rifà Beltran: enginyer

Joaquim Arcas Abella: arquitecte Cíclica

Adrià Martín

Detalls del projecte

Tipologia Parcs agrícoles i industrials
Promotor Esocal sl.
Client Ajuntament de Caldes de Montbui, Regidoria d'Espais Públics i Sostenibilitat
Promoció Pública
Coordinades 41.630911, 2.162127
Localització Hortes de Baix de Caldes de Montbui (continuació Carrer Muralla), Barcelona, Caldes de Montbui, Espanya
Àrea 3.7 Ha
Cost 0.25
Any inici 2013
Any finalització 2015