A two-mile-long river island in the heart of a city is sculpted, shaped and forested to provide a refuge for wildlife and people. Utilizing the seasonal flooding regime of the river, River Forest Island demonstrates how these forces can become a positive form-maker for a major new central park in the heart of city. Completed in 2014, the River Forest Island takes a different direction, honors the native river hydrology and blends natural systems, local culture, and a sandbar into a successful park. Instead of concrete walls, the island utilizes natural wetland terraces as the edge condition, providing a meandering journey of discovery with commanding views and recreational spaces, educating through experience.
To stabilize the island edge, deeper rooting wetland plants are used along the erosive bank to help to slow water velocities, providing stream bank protection. Directional berms sculpted to allow rising waters to flow through and over it are planted with riparian native plants, which form the backbone of the lowland forest. The meandering landform serves as a framework for a system of trails and gardens. A hierarchy of trails and boardwalks leads the visitor along a meandering journey of discovery. Hidden surprises await in the forest while commanding views define the wetland experience. The dynamic variability and landforms of the wetland, riparian lowland and highland increase the resilience of the ecosystems and provide a tranquil escape from the city.
Xue Ling: SWA Design Team
Vincent Hsu: SWA Design Team
Mark Merkelbach: Water Engineer
Xiaobao Wang: LDI
Tipologia | Espai fluvial |
Promotor | Hunan Zhongjian |
Client | Changsha Xiandao Land Development and Construction Co., LTD. |
Promoció | Privada |
Coordinades | 28.057998, 112.921584 |
Localització | Xiaoxiang S Rd, Wangcheng, Hunan, Changsha, Xina |
Àrea | 90 Hectare |
Cost | 107.16 |
Any inici | 2012 |
Any finalització | 2014 |