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Concurs per rehabilitar la façana de plaça Nova

Concurs per rehabilitar la façana de plaça Nova

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
El dimarts 14 de gener, a les 12 h, es durà a terme a la seu del Col·legi la presentació del Concurs de rehabilitació de la façana de plaça Nova i millora de l'eficiència energètica i ambiental.

La presentació del Concurs comptarà, a més, amb una taula de diàleg en què Rafael Moneo, Carles Ferrater, Xavier Monteys i Ana Tostoes, presidenta de DOCOMOMO Internacional, conversaran sobre les actuacions en edificis com ara el de la seu col·legial que, pel seu significatiu valor patrimonial, requereixen una acurada intervenció.

Clica aquí per veure la conferència via streaming

The Government of Catalonia starts the process for the new Architecture Law

© Generalitat de Catalunya
On Tuesday 3 December, the Executive Council approved the report prior to processing the draft law for the new Architecture Act, with the aim of getting the new legal text passed by the end of 2014.

The overall objective is to highlight public interest in architecture, ensuring its preservation as a cultural and social asset, and distinguishing it as an essential means of guaranteeing social cohesion and people’s wellbeing by setting quality objectives for all kinds of projects.

The Association has played a key role in pushing through this law, which was announced by the Minister for Territory and Sustainability, Santi Vila, at our headquarters last July. Furthermore, the COAC will be actively involved in the whole process of drafting the law.


See extended version of this news item on the Catalan government’s website


The COAC wins plaudits for its international outreach

The award was given in recognition of the COAC’s efforts to internationalize Catalan architects.

The awards ceremony was held on Tuesday 3 December in the Plenary Room of the Senate in Madrid and was attended by HRH Felipe, Prince of Asturias, the Minister for Public Works, Ana Pastor, the President of the Senate, Pío García Escudero, and the President of the CSCAE, Jordi Ludevid.

The award distinguishes the almost two decades during which the COAC has striven to foster, promote and facilitate the internationalization of its architects. It gives particular recognition to the ArqCatMón project, which the Association organized in 2005 and which, coordinated by Jordi Farrando, helped Catalan architecture to win increased recognition beyond our borders through a magnificent exhibition staged in Istanbul featuring more than 500 international projects designed by 242 Catalan architects.

During the ceremony, Ana Pastor, the Minister for Public Works, highlighted COAC’s 'constant and invaluable backing and support, which is so necessary if we are to be successful abroad', referring to the recent creation of COAC’s Correspondent Network abroad, a collaborative network of member architects who work outside Catalonia and can currently be found in 23 cities on five continents.

The Spanish International Architecture Awards are sponsored by the Spanish Architecture Forum, which includes the Higher Council of Architects’ Associations of Spain (CSCAE), architects’ associations and architectural schools and foundations, and are aimed at disseminating the excellence of its architects and urban planners in the international sphere.

The CSCAE awarded its 2013 Medal to the former Minister for Public Works, Rafael Arias Salgado, and architect Jaume Duró.

This first edition of the award included five categories: Award for Architecture (the new Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam), Award for an International Tender Project (Gösta Museum of the Serlachius Foundation in Finland, by MXSI Mara Partida, Boris Bezan and Héctor Mendoza), Award for Associated Spanish Company (Constructora San José), Young Architect’s Award for an International Project (Centre Léonce Georges by Pilar Calderón and Marc Folch) and the Support for Internationalization Award, which was won by the COAC.


COAC's new website

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

The website of the Architects’ Association has been given a total makeover. Obviously, architects and architecture are the protagonists. The new website aims to provide an essential tool to help reposition the role of architects within our society, while at the same time promoting the social and cultural values of architecture. The website arquitectes.cat aims to provide a point of reference that will bring us closer to the community and the business world at a time when it is essential to assert ourselves both collectively and individually.

arquitectes.cat is based around five main browsing sections: citizens, architects, architecture, the Association and the business world. Great care has been taken to ensure that every section reflects the dynamic role that architects and their representative Association play in our society.
The site’s user-friendliness has also been improved by simplifying and streamlining the browsing experience and including the dissemination opportunities offered by social networks.

Customized content
arquitectes.cat also aims to address the huge range of interests of our member architects and the general public by offering visitors the chance to customize the website to suit their interests, whether this is in terms of the subject matter (sustainability, town and country planning, building renovations, society, internationalization, etc.) or geographically speaking.


