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The COAC launches a new Job Bank

The Architects’ Association has set up a new and completely updated Job Bank to match the increasingly multifaceted and versatile profiles of present-day architects.
2018-03-13 13:15

Muere el arquitecto urbanista Lluís Brau

El arquitecto urbanista Lluís Brau murió el 20 de marzo. Brau obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Urbanismo 1980-1985 y fundó la Asociación Iberoamericana de Urbanismo
2018-03-26 12:30

The COAC's regional office in Barcelona, CAATEEB and APCE together form the Barcelona Real Estate Development and Construction Technical Committee

The Barcelona Real Estate Development and Construction Technical Committee has been set up to analyse and consider the situation of the property development and construction sector as well as proposing actions to improve the quality and professionalism of the products and agents involved. The Committee will also examine the regulations and draw up proposals for amendments aimed at the relevant authorities.
2018-02-15 13:00

8M: Margarita Brender, one of the pioneering architects of 1960s Spain

The Architects’ Association of Catalonia commemorates International Women’s Day with a tribute to the first female architect to become a member*: Margarita Brender Rubira (1919-2000). The most significant thing about her career is the very little we know about it. Everything we know about her can be summed up in five facts.

One: She was born in Romania in 1919.
2018-03-07 15:45

Exhibition: 'COAC Collections / Clotet_Tusquets 1960-1980'

At 7 pm on Thursday, 22 February, in the Plaça Nova headquarters, the latest exhibition in the 'Collections' series of the COAC’s Historical Archive was inaugurated. Entitled 'Clotet_Tusquets 1960-1980', the exhibition features a wide selection of drawings, documents, photos and objects put together by architects Lluís Clotet and Òscar Tusquets over the past few years.
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Billennium, an installation by artist Anna Moreno

The COAC hosts the installation of the artist Anna Moreno, which takes place within the framework of the Beehave project and is one of the interventions in Barcelona of this same project, organized by the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona.
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El COAC estrena nueva Bolsa de Trabajo

El Colegio de Arquitectos ha puesto en marcha una nueva Bolsa de Trabajo totalmente renovada para adaptarse a los perfiles cada vez más polivalentes y versátiles que tienen los arquitectos.

La nueva aplicación tiene por objetivo ofrecer a los colegiados la mejor herramienta para la búsqueda de empleo, con diversas funcionalidades que permitan al colegiado lucir su candidatura en aquellas ofertas profesionales a las que se quiera inscribir.
2018-03-13 13:15

New call for COAC Grants for Local and International Cooperation

The Architect’s Association of Catalonia opens, for the seventh year running, its Call for Grants for local and international development cooperation projects related to architecture and urban planning. These grants respond to the commitment of the Association to allocating part of its budget to social pursuits.
2018-02-27 16:45

El COAC estrena nova Borsa de Treball

El Col·legi d’Arquitectes ha posat en marxa una nova Borsa de Treball totalment renovada per adaptar-la als perfils cada cop més polivalents i versàtils que tenen els arquitectes.

La nova aplicació té per objectiu oferir als col·legiats la millor eina de suport per a la recerca de feina, amb diverses funcionalitats que permetin al col·legiat lluir la seva candidatura en aquelles ofertes professionals a les quals es vulgui inscriure.
2018-03-13 13:15

20 años de la Bienal de Arquitectura Alejandro de la Sota

Este año conmemoramos la 10ª edición de la "Bienal de Arquitectura Alejandro de la Sota". Por ello, la Demarcación de Tarragona del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña, en colaboración con la Fundación Alejandro de la Sota y la Diputación de Tarragona, establece este PREMIO EXTRAORDINARIO para distinguir las obras más significativas, de cada categoría, que han sido premiadas en las 10 convocatorias celebradas entre 1997 y 2017.
2018-03-01 12:45
