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Impressió general

9th Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture

From September 29th to October 1st, the Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture will be held at Palau de la Música Catalana. The Biennial will also be broadcast live at the COAC Auditorium.

Tomorrow Landscapes
2016-07-29 14:30

Architecture Congress 2016. Constructing and disseminating a collective vision for the future of architecture

This year, the Architects’ Association of Catalonia is organising an Architecture Congress which will provide a meeting place for professionals, the general public and institutions to move forward with a new positioning of architecture that facilitates better responses to the new social, environmental and economic challenges facing society now and in the future.

2016-04-28 11:45

Memorial Coluna Prestes: Niemeyer a la ciutat de Palmas, Brasil

Nuevo plan de estudios de la Escuela Sert 2016-17. Cursos adaptados a tu perfil profesional

Como ya es habitual, el próximo mes de septiembre damos el pistoletazo de salida del nuevo Plan de Estudios de la Escuela Sert.

Este Plan de Estudios se ha diseñado con las aportaciones de comisiones consultivas de expertos en diferentes ámbitos, que junto con los indicadores de actividad del sector, nos permiten elaborar un programa enfocado al futuro de la profesión.

Ya están abiertas las inscripciones para los siguientes cursos:

2016-07-27 11:15

Nou pla d’estudis de l’Escola Sert 2016-17. Cursos adaptats al teu perfil professional

Com ja és habitual, el proper mes de setembre donem el tret de sortida del nou Pla d'Estudis de l'Escola Sert.

Aquest Pla d'Estudis s'ha dissenyat amb les aportacions de comissions consultives d'experts en diferents àmbits, que juntament amb els indicadors d'activitat del sector, ens permeten elaborar un programa enfocat al futur de la professió.

Ja estan obertes les inscripcions per als següents cursos:
 - Rehabilitació d’instal·lacions <<Places exhaurides>>

2016-07-27 11:15

Competition rules published for the Les Glòries public housing tender

The Barcelona Municipal Housing Board has convened, in association with the Architects' Association, an international tender to choose the design of a collection of public housing that needs to be constructed in the Les Glòries area, specifically in the block formed by the streets of Castillejos, Casp, Plaça de les Glòries and Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes.
2016-07-06 12:00

SSNU Espacios Abiertos - Simposio sobre Suelo No Urbanizable

Se debatirán y recogerán ideas y reflexiones para aportar al debate de la futura Ley del Territorio que prepara la Generalitat de Catalunya, para otros agentes del sector y también para el conjunto de la sociedad.
2016-06-09 09:15

Finalists for the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2016

The jury of the ninth edition of the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2016has selected the 25 finalists, which represent the best public space interventions in European cities in 2014 and 2015.

The European Prize for Urban Public Space is a biennial contest organised by seven European institutions with the aim of recognising and giving exposure to projects that create, recover or improve public spaces. This year, 276 entries have been received from 33 different countries.
2016-05-09 15:15

Unprecedented success of Catalan architects at La Biennale di Venezia

This year's Biennale is a clear sign that Catalan architecture is triumphing abroad. More than thirty Catalan firms are present at Venice's 15th Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, either showing their work as part of the 'Unfinished' exhibition in the Spanish Pavilion (where 40% of the architecture firms are Catalan), or taking part in the exhibition 'Aftermath_Architecture beyond architects', representing Catalonia at the Eventi Collaterali.
2016-05-30 15:00

SSNU Espais Oberts - Simposi Sòl No Urbanitzable

Es debatran i recolliran idees i reflexions per aportar al debat de la futura Llei del Territori que prepara la Generalitat, per a altres agents del sector i també per al conjunt de la societat.

2016-06-09 09:15
