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Impressió general
  • Centre Obert d'Arquitectura

    The El Centre Obert d'Arquitectura,  a new cultural interlocutor designed as an area of architectural knowledge and culture to stimulate the links of architecture with society, promote architectural research and enhance its innovative role.Concentrate to spread, host to discover, show to enjoyWith the Open Center, promoted by the


  • FAQS applications for the commissioning of World Congress...

    QUESTION 1: In the first phase I, "C. INDICATIVE BUDGET An indicative estimate of the budget that includes the productions, exhibitions, congress events and others proposed by the team", the question is if a value is not presented, would it be cause for rejection?


  • Segona edició Descarbonitzant Arquitectura

    The 'Decarbonizing the architecture' date is out!...

    Did you know edification is responsible for 40% of energy consumption in Europe, and 36% of CO2 emissions? Sabies que l’edificació és responsable del 40% del consum d’energia a Europa, i del 36% de les emissions de CO2? It is in front of this situation that architects have the responibility to liderate the decarbonisation of the architectural sector and to act against the actual climate crisis. 


  • El 12è Premi Internacional de Paisatgisme Rosa Barba revela els seus 11 projectes finalistes

    The 12th Rosa Barba International Landscape Architecture Prize...

    The jury of the Rosa Barba Casanovas International Landscape Architecture Prize has made public the eleven finalist projects from this year's edition of this prestigious contest that highlights the most relevant initiatives in landscape architecture from around the world in the last five years (2017-2022).


  • Imatge del concurs del comissariat.

    Submissions open for the UIA World Architecture Congress...

    The international contest to curate the UIA World Architecture Congress Barcelona 2026 opened last 28th June.  The Congress is designed as an opportunity to rethink and update the formats and themes that architecture congresses should adopt.


  • Premi Internacional de Paisatgisme Rosa Barba Casanovas

    Open call for the Rosa Barba Landscape Prize

    The 12th Rosa Barba Casanovas International Landscape Prize, sponsored by Banc Sabadell Foundation, is part of the International Landscape Biennial, which will take place in Barcelona from the 27th to the 28th of November 2023.


  • Premi Europeu AHI


    The 6th edition of the European Award AHI –Architectural Heritage Intervention–, a biennial contest organized with the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC), whose primary objective is to distinguish quality interventions in built heritage in all its dimensions and contribute to their dissemination, will remain open until March 30, 2023 at 24:00 (GMT +1).


  • Architect@Work Barcelona


    The Architects’ Association of Catalonia will again be present at Architect@Work Barcelona. This year’s trade show, which will take place on 15 and 16 March at the Barcelona International Convention Centre (CCIB), will revolve around the theme “Natural Resources”.


  • Premi Europeu d'Intervenció en el Patrimoni Arquitectònic

    Sixth edition of the European Award AHI (Architectural...

    The European Award AHI, organised with the support of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia, is a biennial event. Its main goal is to distinguish quality interventions in all the aspects of built heritage and contribute to their dissemination. The contest is aimed at consolidating itself as a catalyst and observatory of new challenges added to the conservation and intervention in built heritage by the globalization of contemporary architecture.

