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Utilitat de les gestions que pots realitzar
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Propers Actes

The Cloud Chamber - Drawing the Line

University of Greenwich

London - United Kingdom

Max Barnes

10a Edició

The Curated Celebration of Angerstien’s Aggregate Wharf

University of Greenwich

London - United Kingdom

JJ Watters

10a Edició

Contested Boundaries and the Appropriation of space

University of Greenwich

London - United Kingdom

Cesare Cardia

10a Edició

Island Factories

University of Greenwich

London - United Kingdom

Mais Kalthoum

10a Edició

(RE)PEAT: Peatland restoration through sustainable in the isle of Skye, Scotland

University of Ferrara


Alice Merlante, Carlotta Valmassoi

10a Edició

CERN. Potentials of an invisible infrastructure for adderessing landscape evolution at the Franco-Swiss border

University of Ferrara


Francesco Lupia

10a Edició

LITORANEA VENETA - Rethinking an ancient waterway for the management of environmental trasformations in the Venetian costal area, Italy

University of Ferrara


Alberto Grado

10a Edició

Mboka Bilanga. Model of menagement and developement of the rural enclaves of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

University of Ferrara


Giuseppe Macaluso, Pietro Manaresi

10a Edició

NEUTRAL BUFFER MODEL. Algorithms-Aided Design for the Buffer Areas around the lagoon of Scardovari, in the Po Delta Unesco Biosphere Reserve, Ita

University of Ferrara


Giuseppe Dotto

10a Edició

A park at the confluences of Brest Metropolis

The Versailles/Marseille landscape architect school (ENSP)


Tristan Geffray

10a Edició

Etna, the erratic sicilian garden.

The Versailles/Marseille landscape architect school (ENSP)


Clément Lecuru

10a Edició

The Tees estuary, an industrial delta

The Versailles/Marseille landscape architect school (ENSP)

United Kingdom

Charlotte Beau Yon de Jonage

10a Edició
