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Impressió general

A new series of activities begins at the COAC: 'Absolutely moder(rr)n'

On Thursday 3 March, at 7.30 pm, a new series of activities kicks off on the theme of ‘Absolutely moder(rr)n. An overview of new local architecture’, curated by Moisés Puente.

The activities aim to give an insight into new local contemporary architectural practices through a series of conferences and actions in answer to some basic questions which, in turn, relate to the statement made by Arthur Rimbaud in 1873: 'One must be absolutely modern'.
2016-02-23 10:30

The jury of ‘Espai Barça’ chooses the proposal from Catalan architects Pascual i Ausió and Nikken Sekkei for the new Camp Nou stadium

The Jury of ‘Espai Barça’ unanimously chose the proposal from the team Nikken Sekkei + Pascual i Ausió Arquitectes as the winner of the architectural tender to design the new FC Barcelona Camp Nou stadium. The Jury panel comprised five members of the football club, three members of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia and a representative of Barcelona City Council. 

2016-03-09 15:00

Els col·legis professionals inicien una campanya per sumar esforços en defensa dels drets dels refugiats

L'Associació Intercol·legial de Col·legis Professsionals de Catalunya, de la qual el Col·legi d'Arquitectes en forma part junt amb altres més de 100 col·legis professionals, impulsa una campanya per denunciar la situació infrahumana en què es troben les persones refugiades que arriben a sòl europeu.
2016-03-16 12:45

Convocatoria de subvenciones para la rehabilitación de edificios en Barcelona para el 2016

El 29 de febrero se publicó en el DOGC la convocatoria de subvenciones para la rehabilitación de edificios de uso residencial y de viviendas en la ciudad de Barcelona. El COAC, miembro del Grupo de Trabajo de OBRA, ha participado activamente en la elaboración de su contenido.

La convocatoria de este año promueve la rehabilitación de los edificios en su conjunto o en alguna de sus partes, desde la vivienda individual hasta los edificios enteros. El plazo para formular solicitudes finalizará el 31 de diciembre de 2016.

2016-03-07 16:15

The new Government ratifies the Catalan Architecture Bill

The Catalan Government thus demonstrates its public commitment with good practice of architecture and opens the way for the parliamentary proceedings of the future Law of Architecture.

Three years of intense work, with the support of the COAC

2016-03-01 15:45

The COAC presents the Architectural Agenda with Minister Mascarell

On 14 October, the Architects’ Association presented the Architectural Agenda, a new information channel for disseminating the cultural activities related to architecture, urban development and design taking place in Catalonia.

The ceremony was attended by the acting Minister for Culture, Ferran Mascarell, the Dean of the COAC, Lluís Comerón, and various cultural institutions that are already involved in the project.

2015-10-31 13:00

Long-term programme for recognition of a professional Master Degree

The Sert School offers an annual training plan focused on recognizing the skills of its students by means of specific training in order to obtain a professional Master Degree. 

2016-01-01 09:00

The COAC's Historical Archive on Instagram

Entering this social network will help disseminate the wealth of documents held in the Historical and Photographic Archive, which currently holds close to two million documented items —plans, maps, sketches, drawings, publications, photographs, correspondence, audiovisual records, etc.—a result, mainly, of donations, making it a reference centre for academics and architects from all over the world, as well as representing an asset of incalculable value.

2016-01-15 12:45

Tàpies exhibition: 'To the Catalan Masters'

From 20 January, the COAC's El Vallès branch office hosts the exhibition 'To the Catalan Masters', comprising eight lithographs by Antoni Tàpies on Guarro paper, published by Sala Gaspar in 1974.

It is a tribute to all the key figures of Catalan culture whom Tàpies supported during the years of Franco's dictatorship. It encompasses, by means of a great economy of elements, the different facets of knowledge. Science and art go hand-in-hand in a chromatic setting that brings us closer to the geographical context of Catalonia.
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Touring exhibition of the 9th Alejandro de la Sota Biennial

The exhibition of the 9th ALEJANDRO DE LA SOTA BIENNIAL, which was available to visit at the COAC’s Tarragona branch office up to mid-August 2015, is beginning a tour of various towns and cities of the El Camp de Tarragona region.

From 15 September until 15 November 2015, the exhibition will be at the Escola d’Art i Disseny de la Diputació, in Reus.

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