Puntúa de l'1 al 5 els següents aspectes de les noves seccions.
Pregunta 1 2 3 4 5
Disseny del nou entorn
Facilitat d’ús
Utilitat de les gestions que pots realitzar
Impressió general


Sold out! Registraton for the 2nd 'Decarbonizing architecture' event is fully booked.

Registered Architects: €30
Non-registered attendees: €40
Under 40, students and AUS members: Free admission

Early bird discount. Until October 31st:
Registered Architects: €20
Non-registered attendees: €30

PLEASE NOTE! At the beginning of the conference, you will need to provide proof of your association with COAC, A
US, COAC Student or member of any association of architects in Spain or your eligibility for free admission.


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