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Lecture by Pereda Pérez Arquitectos

Edificio de viviendas en la calle Descalzos de Pamplona - Pereda Pérez Arquitectos

On 18 February at 7.30 pm, the studio Pereda Pérez Arquitectos will be giving a lecture at the Tarragona branch office of the Architects’ Association to speak to us about their most recent architectural work. 

Download the invitation

At the close of the lecture there will be a 'meet the speakers' dinner at the restaurant Barhaus. If you are interested in attending, please send an email to tarragona@coac.cat.  Price €18.

Carlos Pereda Iglesias and Óscar Pérez Silanes

In 2005, they founded PEREDA PÉREZ ARQUITECTOS in Pamplona and developed their practice dedicated to executing architectural projects. They are also associate lecturers in architectural projects at the University of Zaragoza. Their work has been published in numerous journals and publications. They have also taken part in a variety of exhibitions, workshops and conferences disseminating their work in a number of institutions and schools of architecture on a national and international level such as in Cadiz, Fuerteventura, Burgos, Barcelona, Seville, Madrid, Pamplona, Pontevedra, San Sebastian, Zaragoza, Ultzama, Granada, Salamanca, Oporto, Seoul, Durban and the Freiburg Forum, amongst others.

Furthermore, the studio has been recognised for its work through receiving prestigious accolades such as the Spanish Architecture Award 2013, the XII BEAU Spanish Architecture and Town Planning Biennial Award 2013, the VIII BIAU Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urban Planning Award 2012, a Special Mention at the Spanish Architecture Awards 2015, the CONSTRUMAT International Award 2013 and various prizes from the architects' associations, such as COAVN (Basque Country and Navarre), COAR (La Rioja) COACYLE and COAL (Castile and León), as well as the ENDESA Award 2012, amongst others.

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Touring exhibition of the 9th Alejandro de la Sota Biennial

© Demarcació de Tarragona del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Cataluya

The exhibition of the 9th ALEJANDRO DE LA SOTA BIENNIAL, which was available to visit at the COAC’s Tarragona branch office up to mid-August 2015, is beginning a tour of various towns and cities of the El Camp de Tarragona region.

From 15 September until 15 November 2015, the exhibition will be at the Escola d’Art i Disseny de la Diputació, in Reus.

From 16 November 2015 until 12 January 2016, it will move to the lobby of the Reus School of Architecture (Rovira i Virgili University, Reus). 

From 15 January to 26 February 2016 it will be seen at Falset Castle (Pl. de la Quartera, 1, Falset).

From 3 March to 1 April it will move to the Pati de Sant Roc de l'Institut d'Estudis Vallencs (Jaume Huguet Street, 1,  Valls).

The exhibition features samples of the projects submitted for this contest and aims to highlight the most significant work constructed during the two-year period 2013-2014 throughout a region that includes the counties of L'Alt Camp, El Baix Camp, El Baix Penedès, La Conca de Barberà, El Priorat and El Tarragonès.

This year, of the 44 projects submitted for the contest, the jury decided to select 21, of which 12 have gone to the next stage as finalists. Finally, the jury decided to declare 5 winning projects, with one of them being presented with the Alejandro de la Sota Award.

This exhibition, conceived as an open system with the ability to adjust to a variety of sizes and adapt to different spaces, shows six audiovisual presentations corresponding to each of the Biennial’s categories. 

Take a look at the winning projects.
You can see the exhibition videos here.


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Exhibition: 'Images of Poblet'

Imatge de l'Arxiu del Centre de Documentació del COAC Tarragona. Fotografia de Manuel Cuadrada i Gisbert. Poblet 1924.

In 1991, a photographers' association in Reus published a collection of 10 photographs of Mr Manuel Cuadrada i Gisbert (1896-1957) as a tribute to this pioneer of the art of photography, who opened up possibilities at a time when practising the art of light was, quite simply, an adventure.

These images, taken between 1924 and 1949, show different perspectives of the Monastery of Poblet and provide a historical testimony and record of the interventions carried out on the building during the following years. They are graphic documents from the COAC’s Documentation Centre that this exhibition will bring to light and which can be seen from 16 October 2015 to 4 March 2016 at the Barhaus Room.

The show is completed by the plans designed by the architect Francesc Monravà Soler for restoring the monastery. 

Download the invitation

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Análisis fractal de las catedrales góticas

Tesis Doctoral Albert Samper Sosa
El Dr. Arquitecto Albert Samper Sosa nos hablará de su tesis, que lleva por título "Análisis fractal de las catedrales góticas". Una conferencia que se enmarca en el Ciclo InTESIS y que se llevará a cabo el próximo jueves 7 de abril a las 19.30h en el Salón de Actos de la Demarcación de Tarragona.

Al finalizar la conferencia se hará una cena-coloquio con el conferenciante en el restaurante Barhaus. Si estás interesado en asistir, puedes inscribirte aquí. Precio € 18.

En las construcciones góticas, la Geometría de Euclides fue utilizada para dotarlas allí de estructura, escalera y belleza; sin embargo, además de los elementos euclídeos existen otros conceptos complejos en las construcciones de las catedrales góticas: la efectividad de ocupar espacio, la rugosidad y la escabrosidad en los detalles que constituyen sus estructuras. La mejor herramienta para describir estos conceptos lo ofrece la Geometría Fractal mediante el ratio llamado "dimensión fractal". Se trata de un parámetro geométrico, que da una medida de estos conceptos; y que no es atribuible únicamente a elementos euclídeos, sino que incluso viene generado por el resultado arquitectónico final de estas construcciones. Con el presente trabajo muestro que las Catedrales Góticas no sólo se rigen por patrones geométricos clásicos, sino que poseen otro patrón característico que viene determinado por su dimensión fractal.

Descarga la invitación
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