Puntúa de l'1 al 5 els següents aspectes de les noves seccions.
Pregunta 1 2 3 4 5
Disseny del nou entorn
Facilitat d’ús
Utilitat de les gestions que pots realitzar
Impressió general
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)




Click here to download the final program

Thursday, 12.11.2014

16.00 h Acreditations
16.30 h Opening
17.30 h Keynote
18.30 h Coffee
19.00 h Communications


Friday, 12.12.2014

Morning: Theory

10.00 h Papers
11.30 h Coffee
12.00 h Papers
13.30 h Roundtable
14.00 h End of Session

Evening: Restoration

16.00 h Papers
17.30 h Coffee
18.00 h Papers
19.30 h Roundtable
20.00 h Enf of Session
21.30 h Dinner

Saturday, 12.13.2014

Morning: Further actions

10.00 h Peprs
11.30 h Coffee
12.00 h Papers
13.30 h Roundtable
14.00 h End iof Session

Evening: Change of use

16.00 h Papers
18.00 h Coffee
18.30 h Conclusions
19.00 h Presentation "XXXVIII Curset"
19.30 h Closing
20.00 h Final

Sunday, 12.14.2014

Visit to Vic, "The City of Saints"




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