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"Vías y entrevías. Atributos y compromisos del distrito industrial de Tarragona"

[In]TESIS | "Vías y entrevías. Atributos y compromisos del distrito industrial de Tarragona"

"Vías y entrevías. Atributos y compromisos del distrito industrial de Tarragona". Juan Manuel Zaguirre Fernández
On Thursday, November 17, 2022 we continue with a new conference of the inTESIS cycle. This time Dr. architect Juan Manuel Zaguirre Fernández will talk to us about "Vías y entrevías. Atributos y compromisos del distrito industrial de Tarragona", a thesis that has been directed by the professor of urban planning Josep Parcerisa Bundó of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).

Analysis of the form and structures in interest to understanding foundational logics, assessing urban events impacts and phenomena, revealing Tarragona industrial districts attributes. Recognize the duality that has been caused between a periphery marked by infrastructures determination and their marginal condition, and a city that, traditionally deals with your center rationalization. Transformation of a territory that has achieved its occupation supporting itself on the strength of unrelated layouts and which would have procured urban exclusion in the space created, analyses how urban possibilities are taking root amidst these conflicts. Examines the initiatives of urban planning as a reflection of the social and technological changes, boosted by the expansion and development policies that marked this period. Concludes from the perspective regarding the recognition of how socioeconomic structures have been deployed in this territory, vindicating the Tarragona urban project has pending regarding its periphery.

At the end of the event there will be a dinner-discussion with the speaker at the Barhaus restaurant. If you are interested in attending, you can contact  tarragona@coac.cat.



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“Manresa, en la región del Llobregat - Cardener”

“Manresa, en la región del Llobregat - Cardener”

© Manel Larrosa

Con el título “Manresa, en la región del Llobregat – Cardener”, la Demarcació de les Comarques Centrals acogerá el jueves, 9 de junio a las 18.30 h una conferència del arquitecto Manel Larrosa.

El peso regional del entorno de Manresa, en una mirada de escala catalana y la experiencia de FemVallès: economía, regionalización, infraestructuras, gobernanza metropolitana serán los temas de su ponencia.

Manel Larrosa es arquitecto desde 1978. Fue concejal de Urbanismo de Sabadell entre 1979 y 1987 y ha participado en diversas iniciativas y proyectos de planeamiento urbanístico, como el Fórum Terrassenc que formuló la Vía Verde Sant Llorenç-Collserola , la Vía Verde de Cerdanyola por la ampliación de la UAB o el plan estratégico de Terrassa.

Forma parte de la plataforma FemVallès, una asociación de entidades económicas, sindicales, profesionales y sociales, cuyo objetivo es potenciar la importancia económica y superar la condición de periferia metropolitana en la que el Vallès ha estado permanentemente situado,

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cartell el model vienès

Inaugural debate of the exhibition The Vienna Model

© The Vienna Model
On the occasion of the exhibition The Vienna Model - Housing for the Twenty-First-Century City opening, architects Bettina Götz and Richard Manahl from the Austrian architectural studio ARTEC and architect and Professor in History and Theory of Architecture Josep Maria Montaner will give an inaugural talk on Thursday 15 July at 5 pm, followed by an open debate with the speakers.

The event aims to both introduce and discuss the Vienna model, as well as to foster exchange and mutual learning (between Vienna and Barcelona) on sustainable and innovative strategies towards affordable housing in urban agglomerations.

The conference will be held in English and followed by the opening of the exhibition curated by Wolfgang Förster y William Menking, designed by MVD Austria and organised in Barcelona by Lorenzo Kárász, director of Guiding Architects Barcelona.

Registration is necessary  because the capacity of the room is limited.
COMPLETE CAPACITY. Follow the session here.

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