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Call open to candidates for the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona 2019

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
The Girona branch of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC) has convened the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona 2019, which this year is being held for the twenty-second time. The aim of the Awards is to give due recognition to architecture produced in the Girona region that demonstrates professional quality and precision.

Projects completed between 1 January and 31 December 2018 are eligible to enter for an award in one of the following categories: Architecture, Interiors, Landscapes and Temporary Structures

A) Architecture: all types of architectural interventions, including new builds and the renovation and refurbishment of existing properties. 

B) Interiors: 
renovation work and new builds in which the project focuses on the treatment of the interior space, regardless of its scale and type. 

C) Landscapes: projects focused on the outdoors, from gardens and parks through to urban interventions of different scales, including streets, squares and buildings associated with the use of open spaces. 

D) Temporary Structures: structures with a limited timescale, such as exhibitions, installations and stage sets. 

This year, the jury that will assess the projects consists of architect Joan Roig, as president, alongside fellow architects Anna Bassat and Àlex Giménez, as members. Also present will be a member of the current Board of Directors of the Girona branch of the COAC, who will act as a non-voting secretary.

The deadline for submitting material is 2 pm on Friday, 1 March 2019. Please direct any queries to the Girona branch (Tel: 972 41 27 27 or cultura.gir@coac.cat).


· Contest Rules (in Catalan)
· Participation Form
· Panel Model
· Typography


The new issue of Quaderns features articles on food, architecture and the city

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
A new issue of the COAC’s magazine Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme has been published, which is now available to members at the various Association offices. This is issue number 271, entitled About Buildings & Food. Edited by the architect Xavier Monteys, the latest Quaderns looks at the relationship between food, architecture and the city. 

The pages of the new issue include a variety of different articles: a conversation between Nuria Ortigosa, David Steegmann and Carolyn Steel, who has consistently been the most outspoken architect on the connection between food and the city; two articles by Eulàlia Gómez and Pere Fuertes on the role of food in how the city is organized, as expressed by the positioning of Barcelona's markets; and an article by Magda Mària, who uses images of paintings, drawings and photos to highlight the presence of food as a long-standing tradition in Barcelona.

David Steegmann also considers the current transformations that affect markets as communal spaces, as evidenced in La Boqueria; as well as Nuria Ortigosa's article on changes affecting home life with the growing tendency to have meals delivered. The subject of ready meals is covered in two pieces by Roger Sauquet and Núria Salvadó rounds off the region's relationship with food.

Added to these contributions are two more on organizing the household based around two essential elements, the dining room and the table: the Lisbon scenario, explained by Carlos Dias Coelho, linking changes to the dining room with the urban fabric, and a small collection of European tables put together by Stephen Bates. Finally, there is a piece by Gianluca Burgio on literature that bases its reflections around eating and food.

Upcoming issues
The next issues of the magazine will be produced by the winning teams of the competition run last year by the Association: Josep Ferrando and Marta Poch (no. 272) and Ferran Grau, Núria Casais and Rafa Mateo (no. 273).

Conferència "La ciutat del futur"

El proper 6 de febrer a les 19 h, tindrà lloc a la sala d'actes del COAC la conferència "La ciutat del futur" de l'arquitecte Josep Oliva i Casas.

L'acte, que està organitzat per la Cooperativa Jordi Capell i el Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, serà presidit per Assumpció Puig, degana del COAC.

Torneu a veure la conferència:

PDF version

Presentació del llibre "Alexandre Soler i March, arquitecte"

El proper 12 de febrer a les 20 h, tindrà lloc a la sala d'actes de l’Institut Lluís de Peguera la presentació del llibre "Alexandre Soler i March, arquitecte" , de Raquel Lacuesta, llicenciada i doctora en Història de l'Art.

L'edifici de l'Institut Lluís de Peguera, recentment restaurat, és una de les obres de referència de l'arquitecte manresà. 

Comptarem amb la participació de l'autora, així com amb Enric Masana, secretari de la Demarcació de les Comarques Centrals del COAC; Marc Aloy, regidor d’Urbanisme i llicències de l’Ajuntament de Manresa; i Valentí Junyent, alcalde de l’Ajuntament de Manresa, que clourà l'acte.


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