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Exposició de les Propostes presentades al 3r Concurs Fotogràfic COAC-CC

© Agustí Farrés Crespi

La Sala Pòrtic de la Casa Lluvià acull, fins al 14 de desembre, l’exposició de les fotografies presentades al 3r CONCURS FOTOGRÀFIC COAC-CC, convocat per la Demarcació de les Comarques Centrals del COAC. 

Les fotografies premiades són:

1r Premi COAC-CC: Treballs d’alçada, de Miquel Planells.

2n Premi COAC-CC: Egongela, d’Agustí Farrés

Premi Ciutat de Vic: El taller i l’artista, de Jordi Comas 

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RCR Arquitectes are named Officiers des Arts et des Lettres in France

RCR Arquitectes
The Catalan architecture practice RCR Arquitectes has been distinguished with the French Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, an honorary decoration that has been awarded by the French Ministry of Culture since the mid-1950s.

The architects were named as Officiers—the second highest decoration in the Order—after fulfilling the requirement of being Chevaliers for five years. The distinction was awarded on Thursday, 4 October, by Françoise Nyssen, the French Republic’s Minister for Culture.

RCR Arquitectes is an architecture practice founded in Olot thirty years ago by Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta, and is a leading light in architecture and landscaping thanks to their sensibility and attention to context. Their work has received numerous national and international awards, culminating in the Pritzker Prize in 2017. 

In France they have been responsible for some iconic projects in the cultural arena, such as the celebrated Soulages Museum in Rodez, one of the most visited museums in the country. They are currently involved in a major project in Paris (their first one in the French capital): a cultural centre on Seguin Island. They are also representing Catalonia at the Architecture Biennale in Venice.

RCR Arquitectes shares the distinction of Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres with the Catalan practice Archikubik, and of Officier with architect Ricardo Bofill.

Miàs Arquitectes wins the tender to renovate Passeig de la Indústria and Plaça de l’Ajuntament in Banyoles

© Miàs Arquitectes
Miàs Arquitectes, run by architect Josep Miàs, will be responsible for designing the renovation of Passeig de la Indústria and the Plaça de l’Ajuntament in Banyoles. The proposal presented by the Banyoles-based team of architects won the tender put out by the Town Council and envisages a more pedestrianised street to improve the connection with the town's Old Quarter.

Banyoles Town Council put out a competitive tender for ideas last April in collaboration with the Girona branch of the Architects’ Association. Of the 32 proposals submitted, the jury selected five projects and finally chose the one presented by Miàs Arquitectes, which had already undertaken the renovation of the Old Quarter.

Now that the winning proposal has been chosen, the practice will have a few months to define the final project. The plan is for the work to be undertaken in stages. The first part of the renovation will be the Plaça de l’Ajuntament and the first section of Carrer Pere Alsius, as far as the Municipal Theatre. It is envisaged that the project, which has a budget of 375,000 euros, will get under way in early 2019.

Public exhibition
With the aim of getting local residents involved, the Town Council has organised an exhibition in the Town Hall's plenary room to showcase the proposals submitted for the tender. The exhibition opens at 8 pm, on Thursday, 18 October, with a public ceremony involving the team that won the tender and representatives of the Girona branch of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia.
