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  • The COAC starts rolling out Architecture lessons in schools

    The Architects’ Association has started pilot tests to spread the teaching of architecture in schools through the programme entitled ‘Magnet: alliances for educational success’. 


  • Call open to candidates for the Architectural Awards of the...

    The Girona branch of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC) has convened the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona 2019, which this year is being held for the twenty-second time. The aim of the Awards is to give due recognition to architecture produced in the Girona region that demonstrates professional quality and precision.


  • The new issue of Quaderns features articles on food,...

    A new issue of the COAC’s magazine Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme has been published, which is now available to members at the various Association offices. This is issue number 271, entitled About Buildings & Food. Edited by the architect Xavier Monteys, the latest Quaderns looks at the relationship between food, architecture and the city. 


  • DEADLINE EXTENDED. Registration open for the 4th edition of...

    REGISTRATION OPEN UNTIL APRIL 12th, 2019 The European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention AADIPA opens its 4th edition. This biennial event, organized by the COAC (Architects' Association of Catalonia) and the AADIPA (Association of Architects for Architectural Heritage Protection and Intervention), aims to distinguish quality interventions in heritage and contribute to their dissemination.


  • Architects—a key element in making the 2030 Agenda a reality...

    Since 2016, the 2030 Agenda has served as the United Nations' road map in seeking to move forward towards a global model of sustainable development by 2030. This framework of action is structured into 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which include targets and indicators to evaluate the achievement of the proposed objectives.


  • Sign up for 'Architecture in the Classrooms'! Our...

    For the third year running, the Architects’ Association —in conjunction with Barcelona City Council, the Mies van der Rohe Foundation, Barcelona Building Construmat and ArquinFAD– are organizing Architecture Week, which takes place between 9 and 19 May 2019.


  • Miàs Arquitectes wins the tender to renovate Passeig de la...

    Miàs Arquitectes, run by architect Josep Miàs, will be responsible for designing the renovation of Passeig de la Indústria and the Plaça de l’Ajuntament in Banyoles. The proposal presented by the Banyoles-based team of architects won the tender put out by the Town Council and envisages a more pedestrianised street to improve the connection with the town's Old Quarter.


  • Water heritage: the key theme of the 41st AADIPA Heritage...

    On 13 December, the 41st International Course on Interventions in Architectural Heritage begins, organised by the Association of Architects for the Defence and Intervention of Architectural Heritage (AADIPA) of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia.


  • The stairway to the Saxhóll crater wins the Rosa Barba...

    The intervention, which was built at the Saxhóll volcano (Iceland) to address the impact of the visitors who climb the crater every day, was undertaken by the Landslag ehf architectural practice and architect Þráinn Hauksson and has won the 10th Rosa Barba International Landscape Award. The jury also gave a special mention to the Linear Park project for the Cuernavaca railway. The award was presented on Friday, 28 September, at a ceremony held in the small palace of the Palau de la Música.

